
Are presents really worth all the trouble? According to some people, the answer is a resounding "no." These folks advocate for the anti-gift, a present that is not only unwanted, but also unneeded.

The anti-gift movement has been around for a few years now, and it seems to be gaining in popularity. Proponents of the anti-gift say that giving and receiving presents is a waste of time and money. They argue that instead of buying someone a gift, you could just donate the same amount of money to a charity or buy them something they need.

There are a few different ways to go about giving an anti-gift. You could, for example, give your friends and family unwanted gifts from your own stockpile. This can be a bit tricky, though, because you don't want to give them something they're going to be forced to regift or throw away.

Another option is to give your loved ones gift cards to stores they don't normally shop at. This way, they can choose something they really want or need. You could also give them a gift certificate to a restaurant or a day at a spa.

If you're really opposed to giving presents, you could always just send a card or a note. This is a great option if you're not sure what the other person wants or needs.

So, is the anti-gift a good idea? Well, that depends on your point of view. Some people find the whole concept of the anti-gift to be a bit pretentious, while others appreciate the simplicity and convenience of it.

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